Navigating Your First Visit to a Primary Care Clinic

Between knowing what information you need to collect ahead of time and finding a clinic that takes your commercial health insurance or Medicare, initial wellness visits at a new primary care clinic can be tricky. As a result, you might want to put off this process indefinitely – but doing so is never a good idea.

The good news is that switching to a new primary care clinic should go smoothly if you know what to expect. With that in mind, here’s our in-depth guide to navigating your first appointment at a new clinic.

Primary Care Clinics: Know the Basics

If it’s been a while since your last preventative care visit, you might need a refresher on what comprehensive primary care clinics are and what they do. These clinics focus on diagnosing, treating, and preventing all sorts of conditions, from cold symptoms and earaches to chronic diseases.

When you’re dealing with any non-emergency health problem, your primary care clinic will be the first place you go if you need to access the healthcare system. In many cases, these clinics can help you manage your health problems without sending you elsewhere. Otherwise, your provider may refer you to a specialist who can help you get to the bottom of things.

Preparing For Your First Visit To a Primary Clinic

Now that you understand why having a primary care practitioner matters, let’s look at what you should do before visiting a new primary care clinic for the first time. While you’re preparing for this visit, you’ll want to:

Schedule Your Appointment

When Medicare patients choose Complete Health for their wellness visit needs, they can start the appointment scheduling process by calling their local clinic and talking to a patient care specialist. This person will get you registered and help you set up your first appointment.

However, you won’t need to go through the same process to schedule other appointments at our clinics. Once you’re registered, you can set up new appointments with our online patient portal. To create an account, go through the steps listed on the portal website.

Make A List of Health Concerns

In order to give you the treatment you need, your primary care practitioner needs to understand your health situation. Before your first visit to a new primary care clinic, it’s wise to create a list of any health-related concerns you have (especially if you’ve noticed new symptoms as of late).

You can also add health goals like improving your diet or getting more sleep to this list. If you do, your provider will be able to give you advice on how to pursue these goals.

Collect Important Information

Putting together a list of concerns and goals is an excellent way to help your first visit to a new clinic go smoothly. However, this is far from the only information you’ll need for this appointment. In addition to that list, you should bring:

What Will Happen During Your Appointment?

Once you’ve taken the steps listed above, you’ll be ready to stop by your primary care clinic for an appointment. At this time, your practitioner will focus on getting to know you and understanding your situation. To do that, they’ll ask you several questions about your symptoms, medications, family history, and overall health.

Additionally, your physician will perform a physical exam during this appointment (which might include checking your pulse, blood pressure, and weight). If you have a chronic disease such as diabetes or arthritis, they’ll also ask you some questions about this condition as part of your visit.

During your first visit to a new clinic, you may find it challenging to keep track of everything your new practitioner says, or you may have trouble remembering the questions you want to ask. Going to this appointment with a loved one can help – they’ll be able to remind you what you need to bring up and help you remember everything you and your practitioner talked about.

Know Where to Go for Your Annual Wellness Visit

While everyone should have a primary care practitioner, you won’t be able to unlock the full benefits of preventative care visits if you choose the wrong clinic for these appointments. Here are a few factors to prioritize while looking for the right primary care physician to handle your yearly wellness visit:

Choose the Right Primary Care Clinic

If you’re looking for the best place to get a wellness exam for Medicare patients, look no further – Complete Health has you covered! At Complete Health, we’re proud to help you access the healthcare services you’re looking for. We also accept many different types of insurance, including multiple forms of Medicare and various commercial health insurance plans (like Cigna Healthcare, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, and UnitedHealthcare).

Whether you’re new to the area or you’re a lifelong resident searching for a new primary care provider, Complete Health can help you find the healthcare you need. Get started by looking for a clinic near you!