Medicare Beneficiary
What can I expect if my doctor is participating in the Complete Health Accountable Care Model?
You can expect your doctor will coordinate your care with specialists and other health care providers in your community to make sure you receive the right care at the right time. You may even experience additional benefits and enhancements. For people with complex conditions, for example, the doctor may introduce you to a care coordinator, at no additional fee, to help you maintain your best health.
Additional information about the ACO from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services appears below.
Information for Medicare Fee-For-Service, also known as Original Medicare, beneficiaries whose doctor is participating with Complete Health Accountable Care:
The Medicare Direct Contracting Entity Accountable Care Organization Model was established by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to help health care providers coordinate their beneficiaries’ care more closely with each other and see that they get the right care at the right time.
Your Medicare benefits stay the same whether you use a physician participating in Complete Health Accountable Care or not. That means there are no changes in cost or coverage. You are not being enrolled into a Medicare Advantage or Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) plan, and this does not change your Medicare Supplement coverage. You can still choose to see any doctor or go to any hospital that accepts Medicare.
Your Primary Care Physician may continue to recommend that you see particular providers for your specific health needs, but it’s always your choice of what doctors you use or hospitals you visit.
Although your benefits stay the same, you may experience new rewards and enhancements to your care due to your physician’s participation in a Medicare Direct Contracting Entity Accountable Care Organization Model.
Beneficiary Enhancements
You can learn more about these initiatives by visiting the following web page:
For more information about Complete Health Accountable Care contact one of our dedicated Medicare Member Support Representatives. You can look up your representative by the name or location of your provider below.
Hours of Operation: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Complete Health Accountable Care LLC
841 Prudential Drive, Suite 1700
Jacksonville, FL 32207
You may also contact your provider. Or, call Medicare at:
1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227)
TTY users should call: 1-877-486-2048
ACO Compliance Hotline
Complete Health provides a compliance line for reporting possible misconduct or obtaining guidance on an ethics concern. You can submit a request at or by calling (866) 842-7132.